Крај игре: MayorMcFunners је победио!
ropsi takes an Objective Card
09:27 PM
The End of the Game has been triggered because a player completed 6 Objective Cards or because 1 of the Firework Tile stacks has been depleted.
MayorMcFunners completes an Objective Card and scores 5 points
MayorMcFunners places on their board
09:25 PM
ropsi completes an Objective Card and scores 4 points
ropsi places on their board
MayorMcFunners takes an Objective Card
09:24 PM
Undo: MayorMcFunners places on their board
MayorMcFunners places on their board
ropsi claims a Crowd Pleaser and scores 2 points
ropsi places on their board
MayorMcFunners places on their board
ropsi places on their board
09:23 PM
The End of the Game has almost been triggered because a player is close to completing 6 Objective Cards
MayorMcFunners completes an Objective Card and scores 5 points
MayorMcFunners places on their board
09:22 PM
ropsi takes an Objective Card
MayorMcFunners claims a Crowd Pleaser and scores 3 points
MayorMcFunners completes an Objective Card and scores 4 points
MayorMcFunners takes an Objective Card
ropsi completes an Objective Card and scores 3 points
ropsi places on their board
MayorMcFunners places on their board
09:21 PM
ropsi takes an Objective Card
09:20 PM
MayorMcFunners completes an Objective Card and scores 3 points
MayorMcFunners places on their board
ropsi completes an Objective Card and scores 5 points
ropsi places on their board
MayorMcFunners places on their board
09:19 PM
ropsi completes an Objective Card and scores 5 points
ropsi takes an Objective Card
MayorMcFunners completes an Objective Card and scores 5 points
MayorMcFunners places on their board
ropsi claims a Crowd Pleaser and scores 2 points
ropsi claims a Crowd Pleaser and scores 2 points
ropsi places on their board
MayorMcFunners completes an Objective Card and scores 7 points
MayorMcFunners places on their board
ropsi takes an Objective Card
09:18 PM
MayorMcFunners places on their board
ropsi places on their board
09:17 PM
MayorMcFunners places on their board
ropsi places on their board
09:16 PM
MayorMcFunners takes an Objective Card
Undo: MayorMcFunners places on their board
MayorMcFunners places on their board
09:15 PM
ropsi places on their board
MayorMcFunners places on their board
09:14 PM
ropsi completes an Objective Card and scores 7 points
ropsi places on their board
Undo: ropsi places on their board
ropsi places on their board
MayorMcFunners places on their board
ropsi places on their board
MayorMcFunners takes an Objective Card
09:13 PM
ropsi places on their board
MayorMcFunners takes an Objective Card
ropsi places on their board
09:12 PM
MayorMcFunners takes an Objective Card
09:11 PM
ropsi places on their board
09:10 PM
MayorMcFunners takes an Objective Card
09:09 PM
ropsi places on their board
MayorMcFunners places on their board
09:08 PM
ropsi takes an Objective Card
08:46 PM
MayorMcFunners places on their board
Undo: MayorMcFunners places on their board
MayorMcFunners places on their board
08:35 PM
ropsi confirms their Player Board and Starting Objective Card
07:47 PM
MayorMcFunners confirms their Player Board and Starting Objective Card
05:18 PM
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