Bombay sees the players take on the role of merchants in the land of India.
In this pick-up and delivery game the players seek to acquire goods at trading posts and transport them on elephant's back to deliver them to the cities where they are in demand.
Along the way they can build palaces, which can earn them riches should other merchants be forced to travel through them.
Game duration: 18 mn
Complexity: 2 / 5
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Play bombay and 959 other games online.
No download, directly from your web browser.
With your friends and thousands of players from the whole world.
Rules summary
The goal of Bombay is to have the most rupees at the end of the game. Players will earn rupees from buying the different colored silk bales from the trading posts and selling them in the cities, collecting City Tokens, Client Tokens and building Palaces.
Palaces: you may spend any one silk bale to build a palace of your color in any intersection without a palace built and receive any bonus tokens at that location. Whenever an opponent goes to a spot with one of your palaces, you receive 1 rupee from the bank.
Bonus tokens: Client Token Bonus, City Token Bonus, 2 Rupees Bonus, Silk Bale Bonus (choose a silk bale from the leftmost market to get for free).
At the end of the game, players receive rupees according to majority of Palaces + Client Tokens:
2 player game: 1st = 4, 2nd = 0
3 player game: 1st = 6, 2nd = 2, 3rd 0
4 player game: 1st = 8, 2nd = 4, 3rd 2, 4th = 0
5 player game: 1st = 8, 2nd = 6, 3rd 4, 4th = 2, 5th = 0
City Tokens: you receive one City Token of the color corresponding to that city when you sell a silk bale there for the first time, provided there are still tokens of that color left. Bonus City Tokens can also be gained by building a Palace in an intersection with such a token. You may only have one City Token of each color.
At the end of the game, players receive:
0 rupees for 1 or 2 different City Tokens
4 rupees for 3 different City Tokens
8 rupees for 4 different City Tokens
The player with the most rupees wins. Ties are broken by the number of Client Tokens.