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dungeonpetz_displayed reports
#53455: "Scoring exhibition with 10+ score "
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Rules: a rule of the game has not been respected
Detailed description
• Which part of the rules was not respected by the BGA adaptation
reaching 10+ area in Scoring exhibition will provide you a win or a share win (except the whip - it breaks ties)
Scoring exhibition Moody Medley for round #3 in our case gave 8 points to red player as he had 12 points. but it shouldn't.• Is the rules violation visible on game replay? If yes, at which move number?
#104• What is your browser?
Google Chrome v96
Report history
pabula • Bug has not been reproduced by delopers yet:
22. Nov 2021 23:49 • my opinion green should score 8 with the whip and yellow and red 5 points.
it's a max you can achieve - 10. it shouldn't matter if a player scored more.
it's a max you can achieve - 10. it shouldn't matter if a player scored more.
pabula • Bug has not been reproduced by delopers yet:
25. Nov 2021 18:41 • Rules says: "Once everyone’s score has been counted on the exhibition tent, players score reputation points based on their order of finish in the exhibition". it's all tent. you score points based on your order of finish. there is just one 10+ spot. but that's my opinion.
pabula • Bug has not been reproduced by delopers yet:
25. Nov 2021 18:47 • Add something to this report
Please add here anything that seems relevant to reproduce this bug or understand your suggestion:
- Another table ID / move ID
- Did F5 solve the problem?
- Did the problem appears several time? Everytime? Randomly?
- If you have a screenshot of this bug (good practice), you can use to upload it and copy/paste the link here.