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#50363: "Game didnt show me the stack of assistant to pick from when moves with the Glass."
What is this report about?
What happened ? Please select from below
The interface blocked me to do some game action authorized by the rules
Detailed description
• Which was the game action you wanted to do?
On snake temple, i pay the idol to move with my magnifying Glass (i was the first to reach there, 2 player mode). Instead of then showing me 2 assistants, it keep showing me only the top assistant, and it only allow me to pick that one.• What do you try to do to trigger this game action?
Just pay the idol and i got stuck there. Trying to refresh before choosing an assistant didnt fix the bug. and after picking the only one that i could choose, i refresh to see if i can have the option to pick the other one, but i was unable.• What happened when you try to do this (error message, game status bar message, ...)?
nothing• What is your browser?
Google Chrome v94
Report history
Petamax • Bug has not been reproduced by delopers yet:
10. Oct 2021 0:24 •
21. Oct 2021 12:09 • This is the first time i ever see it. f5 didnt help.
mOCHU035 • Bug has not been reproduced by delopers yet:
21. Oct 2021 12:40 • seems to happen when u click Undo after the stack of assistants in the middle of the snake temple are revealed. after u click undo, only the top assistant is shown and none of the other options are revealed for selection.
Phunkus • Bug has not been reproduced by delopers yet:
24. Nov 2021 4:30 • I selected the research option and saw all assistants. I then clicked "Undo" since I didn't want any of those assistants at this time, but the game did not undo my turn and then only showed me one assistant. I couldn't undo my research and I could only select the one visible assistant. (This is on the Snake Temple advanced side of the board). Bummer.
andatter • Bug has not been reproduced by delopers yet:
7. Mar 2022 20:10 • Two players got this in table 247934959, when moving to the first step of the research track. Neither player was offered the chance to select an Assistant.
Zeggpold • Bug has not been reproduced by delopers yet:
4. Oct 2022 8:26 • Same thing happened to me on game 301076979. At first I could see all three assistants, but didn't have time to choose. When I cam back, only one was visible; when I clicked on it expecting to see all three again, it just selected the one on top.
ryagic • Bug has not been reproduced by delopers yet:
2. Nov 2022 15:27 • Happened to me on table 313433421. At first I saw 2 assistants, but not realizing I was actually the second person to the spot I was expecting 3, so I reloaded the page, and then I could only see one:
Persists on chrome for desktop and android.
Persists on chrome for desktop and android.
Mix_salad • Bug has not been reproduced by delopers yet:
11. Feb 2023 22:27 • Yea, this happened twice to me and almost ruined Oath to victory
Marquis de Fuzz • Bug has not been reproduced by delopers yet:
24. Feb 2023 4:24 • Just ran into this at table 348150404. I clicked undo after moving glass up just to see what would happen. Then I was only shown one assistant instead of 4. Message said I needed to evaluate research bonus and I hoped it would then show remaining assistants. It simply selected the top one. Undo was present but did not put the selected assistant back. Undo should allow you to select a different assistant in this situation. No information has been revealed after all.
calzoneous • Bug has not been reproduced by delopers yet:
18. Apr 2023 10:04 • Hit this on talbe 366264073. Very reproducable. Simploy click 'undo' when presented with the full set of assistants to choose from, you will then only be presented with one with no workaround. Reproduced in three browsers (2 Firefox, 1 Safari) on two different machines.
mooch • Bug has not been reproduced by delopers yet:
23. Jun 2023 1:16 • This just happened to me Table #388429062 Move #150.
I researched glass and was given the option of 3 assistants, but I didn't choose one and closed the window. When I came back to the game, it only showed the top assistant and I had no choice but to choose them.
I researched glass and was given the option of 3 assistants, but I didn't choose one and closed the window. When I came back to the game, it only showed the top assistant and I had no choice but to choose them.
streileinm • Bug has not been reproduced by delopers yet:
28. Jun 2023 17:22 • I was the first to arrive here in a 3 player game, it forced me to choose the top option. It also would not allow me to undo the action.
Diagonal • Bug has not been reproduced by delopers yet:
28. Jun 2023 17:38 •
Stuck at this point right now, I could see both initially but wanted some time to think. Came back and can only see 1 assistant (not the one I want).
Stuck at this point right now, I could see both initially but wanted some time to think. Came back and can only see 1 assistant (not the one I want).
Diagonal • Bug has not been reproduced by delopers yet:
28. Jun 2023 23:44 •
6. Jul 2023 0:49 • If I replay the last few moves (from researching with the glass) then the assistant appears, but the disappears after the cancel move is replayed.
mchudoba • Bug has not been reproduced by delopers yet:
7. Aug 2024 6:15 • Happened to me on table 545458298. Moved my magnifying glass, got presented 4 options for assistants. Hit undo and was unable to see all 4 options again, only the top one. Tried multiple refreshes and clicking undo with no effect.
ben-Adar • Bug has not been reproduced by delopers yet:
29. Sep 2024 16:21 • in all games there is no possibility to choose, only the top assistant to take
penko_mlakar • Bug has not been reproduced by delopers yet:
15. Jan 2025 11:38 • Table #605321721.
I wanted to see the assistants if it was worth moving the magnifying glass there this turn. Instead, it spent my totem and moved.
It wouldn't really be that bad, but the undo option didn't work (!), and I was forced to take a assistant and loose totem-3points (last round) :(
I wanted to see the assistants if it was worth moving the magnifying glass there this turn. Instead, it spent my totem and moved.
It wouldn't really be that bad, but the undo option didn't work (!), and I was forced to take a assistant and loose totem-3points (last round) :(
Add something to this report
Please add here anything that seems relevant to reproduce this bug or understand your suggestion:
- Another table ID / move ID
- Did F5 solve the problem?
- Did the problem appears several time? Everytime? Randomly?
- If you have a screenshot of this bug (good practice), you can use to upload it and copy/paste the link here.